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علی خویه، مشاور بازاریابی ، فروش، تبلیغات، مدیریت و برندینگ

بازاریابی، فروش، تبلیغات، برندینگ و مدیریت

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ورک شاپ کارگاه کارگروهی کلاس ها و سمینارهای بازاریابی فروش و تبلیغات استاد خویه

    تحقیقات بازاریابی - مشاور بازاریابی ۲۵۵۰ نفر شنبه, ۲ آبان ۱۳۸۸، ۰۶:۵۰ ق.ظ ۰ نظر

Marketing & advertising group



Marketing advertising communication planning workshop

IMC Planning Workshop

By: Ali Khooyeh



mob: 09122991608

Telfax:+98 +21 33552188






.Marketing planning process


1.      Creating a Winning Marketing Plan … The Fundamentals & More  

2.     Table of Contents

o    Overview of Marketing

o    Market Planning Process

o    Marketing Communications

o    Marketing Budgets and Forecasts

o    Writing the Marketing Plan


3.     Workshop Objectives

o    To improve your knowledge of the market planning process.

o    To give you a set of tools which will help you design, implement and track your marketing plan.

o    To give you a better understanding of marketing communications and how to use it in supporting your marketing plan.


4.     What you will learn

o    How to write an actionable targeted marketing plan.

o    How to develop your expenses and sales budgets.

o    How to develop your Marketing communications strategy and Marketing communications mix.


5.     Workshop goal: to make you a marketing guru 

6.     Marketing Is Knowing 

7.     What the prospect is thinking…

o    You don't know me.

o    You don't know my company.

o    You don't know my company's business.

o    You don't know my needs and requirements.

o    You don't know where I buy.

o    You don't know my buying process.

o    Now -- what was it you wanted to sell me?


8.     What is Marketing?

o    Marketing is the sum of all activities involved in the chain of moving products from the producer to end-user.

o    It includes market research, product and positioning strategy, pricing, packaging, distribution, promotion, sales, etc.

o    The purpose of marketing research is to find out who wants or needs your product and under what conditions will they buy it.

o    Then marketing strategy can be formulated to meet the needs of the target market.


9.     How do sales and marketing differ?

o    Marketing is inclusive of sales and deals with the overall product/service offering - its conception, development, packaging, positioning, pricing, distribution, and promotion (including sales) in the market.

o    The sales force, working inside the firm or out in the field, take the product/promotion package and customer information provided by marketing and actually sell the product, either in person, via telephone, or the web.


10.   A marketing plan does the following

o    Evaluates firm mission and vision for relevance/currency.

o    Checks firm strengths and weaknesses.

o    Checks environmental opportunities and threats.

o    Focuses on strategic target markets and their underlying needs.

o    Sets sales and marketing objectives for chosen segments.

o    Defines strategies, tactics and programs.

o    Sets sales and expense budgets.

o    Assigns marketing functions, responsibilities, and timelines.


11.   Why have a marketing plan?

o    A marketing plan provides a stable base from which your company can enter the competitive marketplace.

o    Marketing is expensive requiring a great deal of organization and coordination of activities for programs to work.

o    To facilitate company wide buy-in, participation and support.

o    It serves as a benchmark for establishing concrete objectives, strategies and tactics.

o    It’s a record for learning.

o    It minimizes surprises…you enter the marketplace with your eyes wide open.

o    It tells everyone where you are going and prevents second guessing and confusion in the organization


12.   Marketing success depends on…

o    Having more knowledge about your customers and prospects than your competition.

o    Having a well thought out, actionable plan.


13.   Why have a marketing plan?

o    To facilitate execution of strategy by the marketing/sales team in order to…

•  Increase sales from existing customers

•  Acquire new customers

•  Find new market opportunities

•  Add new strategic partners

•  Add new sales channels

•  Resellers and Representatives

•  Value-added Resellers

•  Partners and Co-Branding

•  Joint Ventures


14.   The Market Planning Process 

15.   Marketing management process 



16.   Steps in process

o    Step 1 – analyze opportunities and set objectives

•  The Four "Ps" -- What do you have to offer, etc. ...

•  S.W.O.T.

•  Firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses

•  Internal and external environmental factors impacting your business

•  Industry analysis -- Where's the industry going ...

•  Set your marketing objectives.




















o    Step 2 – define your target market(s)

•  Starting point - successful marketing plans begin with market focus.

•  Consider many segments, but select your primary target markets.




•  The target market defines the market need and product offering.

o    Step 3 – set your marketing strategies

Target market



Target market needs



Target market offering




17.   Steps in process (cont’d)

o    Step 4 – set your marketing tactics

What are your going to offer the target market?




What and how are you going to tell the target market about this offer?



How are you going to distribute this offer to the target?



What will be your pricing strategy?




o    Step 5 – define your supporting marketing programs

•  Programs provide the specifics of implementation




o    Step 6 – implementation

•  The goal of planning is implementation.

•  The key to implementation is management.

•  To measure the success of a marketing plan, you need to be able to control and track the activities and results of those activities.


18.   Analysis & Segmentation Identifying Your Target Markets 

19.   Define your target customers 

20.   Lots of ways to slice and dice a market

o    Consumer Markets:

Age: Under 18, 18 – 24, 25 - 34, etc.


Sex: Males, females


Income: Under $25K, $25 – 49K, $50K+, etc.


Ethnicity: Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, etc.


Purchase history: triers, non-triers, heavy vs. light users, etc.


o    Industrial Markets:

•  Product: "PCs, mini computer, main frames..."

•  Industry: "Retail, construction, manufacturing..."

•  Applications: "Financial, CAD/CAM, Facility operations..."

•  Customer: "Accounts, Engineers, IS managers..."

•  Geographic: "U.S., Canada, Mexico..."

•  Combinations of the above


21.   Setting target markets

Who are they?



Where are they?


Do they have sufficient size?


What do they need?


How do they buy?


Can you reach them with your marketing and sales messages?



22.   Market analysis – key components

Market segment definition


Company analysis


Needs and requirements


Distribution channels


Competitive forces




Keys to success



23.   Market segmentation definition

o    Define the name of the segment.

o    Define the universe of potential buyers - market potential.

o    Define growth forecast for total potential customers in the segment.

o    Define the average transaction value of sale and/or average sales per year.


24.   Company analysis

o    What are your strengths?

o    What are your weaknesses?

o    What are your company's objectives as they relate to this target market?


25.   Market needs and requirements

o    Why do they need your product or service?

o    What is going to make them buy?


26.   Distribution channels

o    Where do the customers go to fill their needs and requirements?

o    What is the channel of distribution for this customer segment?

o    How are they different than for other segments?


27.   Competitive forces

o    What is the buying process for these customers?

o    What are the key decision factors that make them choose one vendor over another?

o    Is it price, service, support, availability, quality, etc.?


28.   Communications

o    Where do members of this segment go for information?

o    Where do you send messages so that the right customers will find them?

o    How do you create those messages so that they will generate the right response?

o    What kinds of information will be most effective?


29.   Keys to success

o    Is price more important than features?

o    Is ease of installation more important?

o    Is ease of conversion and time of conversion most important?

o    Is ease of use and learning most important, etc...?


30.   Developing your marketing strategies and tactics 

31.   Strategies & Tactics  Strategies Strategies Tactics Theoretical Descriptive General Broad Set of Guidelines Operational An Execution Specific Detailed Implementation

32.   Differentiating strategies and tactics

o    What is a strategy?

•  A marketing strategy is a statement describing the method of how a marketing objective will be achieved.

•  Example: We will grow sales by 5% by expanding the field sales force from 20 to 25.

o    What is a tactic?

•  A marketing tactic sets the offer, the marketing message and the way it should be transmitted.

•  Example: We will focus on selling the Widget to existing company accounts by having field sales reps offer free installation during the 3 month introductory period.


33.   Marketing matrix 

34.   Strategies begin with market focus

o    Positioning is an important part of market focus.

o    Positioning targets a product for specific market segments.

o    The same product can be positioned in many different ways.


35.   Positioning a product answers these questions

o    What kind of product is it?

o    For whom is the product designed?

o    What is the single most important benefit it offers?

o    What is its most important competitor?

o    How is it different from that competitor?

                      What is the customer benefit of that difference?



36.   Developing segment specific strategies

o    You have defined your target markets focus and those markets' needs.

o    You have defined your overall offer and message.

o    You are now ready to produce a statement describing the method of how a marketing objective will be achieved.


37.   Remember…you can’t be all things to all people

o    Focus on selected target markets…not all targets.

o    Selected product offerings that appeal to target market needs

o    Company strengths - play to your company strengths not weaknesses

o    Strategies that aren't focused won't work.

o    Having too many is just as bad as having none.

o    Try to keep them to an actionable number (3 - 4).


38.   Developing segment specific strategies

o    What is the marketing message?

o    Align your message with your target's needs.

o    How do you send that message to your target market?

o    Where are they, what do they read, watch or listen to and how do they respond?

o    How do you convert leads into sales?

o    How and where do they buy?


39.   Example: any company “XYZ” in manufacturing

o    Objective

•  Increase revenues by 15%.

o    Strategy

•  Position XYZ as the leading provider of information technology solutions for the discrete and process manufacturing sectors.

o    Tactics

•  Broaden product/service line matrix to include ERP solutions for mfgs.. in the $10 - 50 million revenue range.

•  Develop PC based manufacturing solutions for small manufacturers.


40.   Marketing matrix 

41.   Marketing Communications Developing Your Marketing Programs 

42.   What is a marketing program?

o    A marketing program implements tactics.

o    A marketing program is an activity with well-defined responsibilities, deadlines and measurable results.

o    A marketing program generally has budgeted expenses tied to it.

o    A marketing program generally has a concrete and measurable outcome in sales units and value.


43.   Key factors influencing direction and promotional (Marcom) mix

o    What are you trying to accomplish?

o    The target market analysis

o    The marketing budget

o    What's the competition doing?

o    Product?

o    Media cost?

o    Timing?


44.   Marketing program objectives

o    What are you trying to accomplish?

•  Generate sales

•  Increase market share

•  Improve brand image

•  Improve customer relations

•  Educate customers


45.   Components of promotional mix





Sales Force (Personal Selling)




Sales Promotion (Internal & External)




Public Relations




Direct Marketing




Trade Shows and Exhibitions





46.   What is a campaign?

o    A promotional program is integrated through a "campaign."

o    A "campaign" is a unified, organized group of programs and promotional messages that have one theme or central idea.

o    Within a "campaign," you integrate the use of the various promotional methods.


47.   Advertising

o    Advertising is the creation and placement of paid messages to inform potential customers and solicit sales of your product.

o    It can be a more long term approach to increasing sales than direct marketing, sales promotion, or personal selling.

o    One-way communication vs. two-way of personal selling.

o    It can be effective for wide target markets or narrow niches.


48.   Sales force (personal selling)

o    Still the primary method of generating leads, closing sales and servicing accounts.

o    Face-to-face selling is being supplemented and/or being replaced by telemarketing.

o    Key issues include:

Sales force training


Sales force automation


Provision of selling aids and materials


Sales force incentives and compensation



49.   Sales promotion

Supplements advertising,


public relations



personal selling.



External Objective – Motivate customers to buy now


Internal Objective - motivate sales force to sell




sales contests









trading stamps,



 videotape presentations,


POP displays,



sampling, etc.




50.   Sales promotion elements 

51.   Public Relations

o    Public relations is what you get others to say about you.

o    It involves planting commercially significant news in the media.

o    It is a non-direct message about your company, product, project or event.

o    Because it appears written by others, it has great credibility.

o    The goal of PR is to positively influence the marketplace about your company and products.

o    Examples include: sponsoring trade events, speeches, white papers, newsletters, press releases.


52.   Direct Marketing

o    Direct marketing uses direct mail or email media to generate immediate, measurable, trackable results.

o    It uses marketing databases to track responses and results at a customer level.

o    By using NAICS codes (formerly SIC), it allows the placement of messages with highly targeted market segments.


53.   Trade Shows

o    Really a subset of sales promotion

o    Still a significantly large part of marketing budgets and still an effective way to reach your target audience.

o    Reasons for participation:

•  Connect with key media players and editors

•  Evaluate competition

•  Talk with customers and prospects

•  Sell products


54.   Sales Collateral

o    Written material that represents and explains your product to potential customers.

o    Includes any printed material that helps close a sale: data sheets brochures, pamphlets, return cards, form letters, etc.

o    Big issue here is consistency - all materials should be integrated to have the same look and feel.


55.   Advertising & Media In Marketing Communications 

56.   Advertising decision process

Set specific advertising goals


Determine target audience


Establish budget



Develop message



Select the media type



Select the specific media vehicles



Determine media calendar



Evaluate performance





57.   Elements to focus on when selecting media

o    Advertising objectives

o    Media circulation

o    Media costs and budget

o    Type of message that you will be conveying

o    Timing


58.   Types of advertising

o    Broadcast: Radio, TV

o    Print: Newspapers, Magazines

o    Electronic: E-mail, Banner Ads, SMS Text, etc.

o    Supplements, Free Standing Inserts

o    Direct Mail

o    Coupon Packs, Card Decks

o    Directories

o    Telemarketing

o    Outdoor: Billboards, Kiosks, Transit


59.   The advertising plan answers these questions

o    Who?

o    When?

o    Where?

o    How many?

o    How frequently?

o    What media?

o    At what costs?


60.   Media strategies to remember

o    Select media with high specific market penetration.

o    Schedule adequate frequency of advertisements to impact target market.

o    Position advertising in or near articles on industry, product reviews, appropriate editorials, high visibility areas such as front cover, center spread, above the fold, top of the email messages, etc.

o    Make use of special high-interest issues, programs, websites, etc.

o    Maximize ad life with frequent repetition…monthly, weekly, daily, in selected media.


61.   Marketing Budget Developing your expense budget and revenue forecast 

62.   Budget components

o    There are three components to a marketing budget

•  Expenses

•  Transactions (Closes)

•  Revenues

o    Each has three tracking components

•  Plan

•  Actual

•  Variance


63.   Marketing budget – more than just advertising expense

o    Direct selling costs (salaries, commissions, travel, entertainment)

o    Indirect selling costs (training, selling aides, subscriptions, dues)

o    Advertising (print, direct mail, electronic)

o    Sales promotion (trade shows, premiums, gifts, incentives)

o    Public relations

o    Marketing administration


64.   Several ways to build a budget

o    From programs, work forward to projected leads, closes and generated revenues.

o    From revenues, work backwards to average transaction values, to closes, to leads and programs to generate them.


65.   Building budget is a 4-step process

o    Calculate transaction value & transactions

o    Calculate lead generation requirements

o    Determine lead generation tactics

o    Plan programs


66.   Step 1: Calculating transaction values and transactions

o    Revenues by product or product category

o    Most complicated

o    Requires rolling up a product mix and then customer mix calculation

o    Revenues by customer

o    Good starting point for developing overall budget especially if programs and offers are not defined.


67.   Step 2: Calculating lead requirements

o    Straight forward mathematical calculation

o    Start with revenue objectives - work backwards

o    Based on inquiry to lead conversion rates

o    General B-to-B formula

o    Leads, Prospects, Hot Prospects, Closes


68.   Step 3: Determine lead generation tactics

o    Where are the leads going to come from?

o    Trade shows, Outbound telemarketing, Sales force, Business partners, Direct response, etc.?

o    Existing customers, new customers?

o    This is the most important step in the process and the basis on which you allocate your promotional budget.


69.   Step 4: Determine programs

o    What, how, where and when?

o    Expenses associated?

o    Revenues associated?


70.   Pulling it all together The Written Marketing Plan 

71.   Your marketing plan should include

o    Target Market and segment strategies

o    Who, how many, where ...

o    The message

o    The offering

o    Segment Tactics

o    Where, how, when to send the message

o    Ads vs. PR vs. mail, etc. ...

o    Specific Programs

o    Budgets, milestones, managers, content, media specifics, etc.


72.   Marketing plan outline

o    Executive Summary

o    SWOT analysis & Marketing Objectives

o    Target Market Identification/Analysis

o    Marketing Plan (Strategies, tactics and programs)

o    Financials - Expense Budget, Lead Generation & Sales Forecast

o    Organizational plan

o    Critical Issues


73.   Executive summary and objectives

o    Summarize market strategy.

o    Include highlights of expense budget and lead and sales forecasts.

o    State quantifiable and measurable marketing objectives.


74.   Target market identification and anaylsis

o    Summary

o    Market definition and segmentation

o    Segment strategy

o    Segment analysis

•  Demographics

•  Needs and requirements

•  Distribution channels

•  Competitive forces

•  Communications

o    Keys to success


75.   Marketing plans

o    Summary

o    Marketing plan matrix

o    Marketing strategies review

o    Marketing tactics review

o    Marketing programs review


76.   Financial summary

o    Include summary and detailed analysis of expense budget, lead generation forecasts and sales forecast.

o    By program type

o    By product

o    By market

o    By manager


77.   Organizational plan

o    Cover organizational structure required to meet objectives.

o    Identify personnel and training requirements.

o    Cover related expense budgets and sales quotas.


78.   Critical issues

o    Discuss critical issues which have a direct impact on achieving the objectives in the plan.

o    List action points.

o    Summarizes any risks.

o    Request additional resources.

o    Summarize conclusions.


79.   Keys to a better marketing plan

o    Should be practical, concrete.

o    Contain concrete programs with measurable objectives.

o    Should assign tasks to people or departments with milestones and deadlines for tracking implementation.


80.   Implementation Managing and Tracking Your Marketing Plan 

81.   The goal of planning is implementation

o    A plan is as good as implementation.

o    Most important element in implementing a plan is following up on it's built-in steps.

o    Following up and tracking plan vs. actual results is crucial to the success.

o    Another essential element is having all marketing activities or tools responsibilities clearly assigned.

o    A useful marketing plan must be a live plan.


82.   Implementation

o    Keys to implementation

•  Is the plan simple?

•  Is the plan specific?

•  Is the plan realistic?

•  Is the plan complete?

o    Key factors that will determine the level of implementation

•  Realism

•  Ownership

•  Tracking and follow-through


83.   Things to Remember 

84.   The marketing plan pyramid 

85.   Tactics and programs can support more than one segment 

86.   Remember

o    The target market defines the market need and product or service offering.

o    Focus on markets and niches:

•  Marketing strategies need to focus on market segments and niches within those segments, not products.

o    Strategy:

•  A well-implemented, mediocre strategy is better than a brilliant strategy not implemented.

o    Implementation:

•  A plan won't be implemented unless specific responsibilities are assigned to specific people...

•  Milestones are established and agreed upon...

•  And the people responsible know that someone will follow-up to check on results.


87.   Summary: what we have covered

o    Marketing as a Concept

o    The Market Planning Process

o    The Role of Marketing Communications

o    Developing Marketing Budgets and Forecasts

o    Format of the Marketing Plan


88.   Now you’re ready to make the dive into the market planning process 






کارگاه کارگروهی تبلیغات و روابط عمومی

تکنیک های تبلیغات و روابط عمومی خلاق

www.khooyeh.com       khooyehali@yahoo.com   -      مدرس: مهندس علی خویه

نام و نام خانوادگی:                        شغل:                      سمت:                          تحصیلات:

تلفن تماس:                            پست الکترونیک:                                         نام سرگروه:

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کارگاه کارگروهی بازاریابی  خلاق

www.khooyeh.com       khooyehali@yahoo.com   -      مدرس: مهندس علی خویه

نام و نام خانوادگی:                        شغل:                      سمت:                          تحصیلات:

تلفن تماس:                            پست الکترونیک:                                         نام سرگروه:

دانشجویان و دانش آموختگان گرامی لطفا ابتدا به صورت انفرادی فرم زیر را تکمیل نموده  سپس با تشکیل یک گروه 3 یا 5 نفره آنها را دوباره بازنمایی نموده  و پیشنها دیه های نهایی خود را ارایه دهید، به بهترین پیشنهادیه های فردی و گروهی پاداش ارزنده ای اعطا خواهد شد.


پیشنهادهای فردی

امتیاز گروه

پیشنهاد گروه1

امتیاز گروه 2


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وبسایت علی خویه | http://khooyeh.com

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بازاریابی، فروش، تبلیغات، برندیدنگ

    تماس با ما:
    khooyeh@gmail.com 09122991608 - 09372991608
    ارایه بیش از 5000 ساعت مشاوره تخصصی به سازمان ها و برندهای معتبر، اجرای بیش از صدها پروژه تحقیقات بازار، برندسازی، رفتار مصرف کننده، کلوپ مشتریان، CRM، مهندسی فروش و بازاریابی، کمپین تبلیغات، برنامه های ارتباطات بازاریابی IMCو روابط عمومی، دپارتمان بازاریابی و فروش، فروشگاه، مدیریت پخش و توزیع، فروش مویرگی، هدفگذاری، تقسیم بازار، راه اندازی دپارتمان فروش وبازاریابی، استقرار سیستم توزیع و فروش مویرگی، راه اندازی فروشگاه زنجیره ای، چیدمان فروش، کلینیک بازاریابی، برنامه بازاریابی و .... مشاوره فروش، مشاوره و اجرای راهکارهای افزایش فروش، مشاوره و اجرای مهندسی فروش، تشکیل دپارتمان فروش و بازاریابی، اجرای پروژه های مهندسی فروش، راه اندازی و استقرار فروش و بازاریابی مویرگی، راه اندازی و استقرار فروشگاه، اجرای پروژه های چیدمان فروش، تربیت فروشنده و ویزیتور، استخدام فروشنده و بازاریاب، راه اندازی پخش و توزیع مویرگی، استقرار نرم افزارهای فروش، مشاوره نرم افزار و سخت افزار فروش، فروش انلاین، مشاوره فروشگاه مجازی، مشاوره ارتقا فروش، مشاوره ترفیع فروش، اجرای جشنواره های فروش، و .... هدف ما ارائه خدمات مشاوره مدیریت در زمینه بازاریابی و مهندسی فروش و برند با تمرکز بر مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری (CRM) در قالب ارائه راهکار، تعیین استراتژی، برنامه ریزی، پیاده سازی و آموزش با استفاده از متدلوژیها و تکنولوژیهای معتبر جهانی می باشد. وظیفه ما افزایش فروش و سهم بازار شرکت شما، استفاده بهینه از فرصتهای تجاری، کاهش هزینه های بازاریابی و فروش و بهره مندی از سیستمها و راهکارهای نوین مدیریت بمنظور رویارویی با چالشهای پیش رو در دو سطح ملی و بین المللی می باشد.